Happy Birthday heyyou3!!!!!
Happy Birthday to us--heyyou3 is celebrating our first birthday. What a whirlwind our first year has been. We have learned so much….. We have learned that there are many caring, compassionate, giving people who are willing to go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer. We have learned there is strength in numbers and have seen how families and friends come together to support each other in the hardest of times. Cancer is a horrible disease that affects all walks of life with no rhyme or reason.
Often I find myself lost in thoughts...we are the richest country in the world and yet we can’t figure out a way to help people “live”. How to help more people beat cancer. There has to be a better way. A way that doesn’t hurt so much, cost so much, steal so much!!!!
I also find myself wondering if we should continue...I mean, after all, we could always personally donate to people or places and help that way. Then, I tell myself no way. We cannot stop the fight, we cannot give up. We have to keep going, raising awareness, making a difference, donating gift cards. Whatever it takes, we have to keep fighting...giving up is not an option!!
We would like to recognize Rookies Tavern, O’Connor Printing Inc. and Awesome Country, all of Boonville NY for being the top three corporate contributors for our cause. The Boonville community is amazing!!!!! Thank you all for everything you have done to help us in our mission.
To begin year two...throughout the month of March we will have “pop up” deals on all of our items, so be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and instagram!!!
Raising awareness and making a difference is what we do!!!!